Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Some thoughts while watching the Olympics

I like to think of myself as a naturally curious person - I like to learn, and I often do this by asking lots of questions. I will admit, however, that I'm probably one of the reasons why the Let Me Google That For You (www.lmgtfy.com) website exists - I don't always take the next step to actually find out the answer. I find that while watching [read: obsessively watching as much as I can] the Olympics is no different. I've had a few questions pop into my head the last couple of days, and I'm going to share with you. Feel free to add your own questions and thoughts - a girl can only watch so much television, after all! There are many sports not represented here. . . yet.

- Who thought it was a good idea to make the men's diving suits so tiny? I'd like to write a thank-you note.

- Did the swimmers get their nails done before their trip? Are they spending their nights painting their toes in Olympic village? Or did they bring their own manicurist? Maybe they're running out and about in London to get mani/pedi's?

- While we're on the topic of personal hygiene, does the swim team have their own personal aesthetician? I'm just sayin' . . . these men are awfully smooth!

- Why isn't there music during the men's gymnastic floor routines?

- Where did some of these sports come from? Like "individual canoeing" . . . which to me looked an awful lot like something that should be called "whitewater kayaking." And who makes up the rules for these?

- Why must the nightly news team (both local and national) insist on spoiling the outcomes for me? Can't we just watch the events unfold? MUST you break the news that most of us average folks don't know yet . . . and don't want to because we're watching most of our olympics during prime time? There's no need to apologize for this - how about you JUST DON'T DO IT. [Sorry. That might have been more along the 'rant' line than question.]

- Why do I have to choose between Phelps and Lochte? Can't I cheer for both (like I do when watching my buckeyes and badgers)?

- Why do some of the swimmers take a drink of pool water before their swim? Are they that thirsty? Can't we hydrate our Olympic athletes better? Does the chlorine really help them prepare to race?

- When I googled "lochte" to ensure the correct spelling of Ryan's last name, why did "Ryan Lochte Girlfriend 2012" come up first?

Know what I think after asking all these? Clearly my career should move in the direction of sports broadcasting. I'm hilarious and I know very little about what I'm watching. :)


  1. Question 1-I remember the women's gymnasts in the past used to wear their hair in a uniform manner. This year, hair was sloppily thrown up. Doesn't take away from the talent but I found it distracted me a bit! Weird!

    Question 2- Why do the P&G commercials only recognize moms?? How about parents/support in general?!

    Observation- It is crazy how a race for swimming is over in a matter or seconds-minutes but a whole water polo game is shown. I wish we could pick and choose what to watch on tv vs. just the computer.

    Also, I wondered why swimmers wear two caps. So, I pulled a Kelly and googled it. Keeps their googles on.

    I am sure I will have more questions, facts, observations and rants to add to this as the games go on.

  2. Great additions, Liz! I did wonder about those double-swim caps - thanks for finding that answer for me!
    I also noticed the "sloppy" hair - seemed less professional that it's been in the past - I assumed it was a more modern approach. Also agree about those P&G commercials.
