Thursday, July 26, 2012

Confessions of ANOTHER raging hot mess

I borrowed this title from my friend K Savvy. She wrote a post a while ago about how she did not, in fact, have it together. [ ] As usual, her post was hilarious. It was also quite poignant with a perfect reminder - "so i thought i would fess up and share a few of the things that make me feel like a walking disaster. maybe if we all did that a little more, we would all know that we're all doing our best." You should read her post, because it's pretty damn great.

When I read her post the first time, I nodded my head, and felt like I could respond in the comments section with many examples. Except nothing came to mind. But I've been paying attention this week, and thought I would share a few of my "what the hell?" "I need more sleep" and "stress will kill you" moments I've had.
- I might have had all three of those thoughts occur to me at lunch the other day. I attempted to prepare one of those new lean cuisine steamers. Except that instead of letting it steam first, I CUT IT OPEN. [Insert head shaking here.] Yeah, it can't STEAM if there's a big hole in the bag. *sigh*

Ever have that moment when searching your email for something, and you realize it's not in your inbox, it's in your sent box - so you switch over? And during that nanosecond, you absolutely have no idea what the hell it is you're supposed to be looking for. *sigh*

Today I wanted to listen to a cd while working on a project in the office. So I opened up the disc drive. Except I didn't. I shut the damn computer off. Helpful to reboot and start over and open and restart all emails and projects. *ugh*

The other day while making myself a lunch (after the failed "easy" lean cuisine), I put together a nice salad. And tried to put the lettuce away in the junk drawer. Not helpful - doesn't seem to provide the same kinds of experience for the lettuce like the crisper in the refrigerator does. Good job, me.

So, my friend Krystyne is right. We are not perfect. We do weird shite every day. I think it's because we need more sleep. But I also think it's good to own it and share with others - so I'm sharing with y'all. In case you were wondering whether or not I've got it together. 'Cuz clearly that's not happening . . . . :)

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm, perhaps you should postpone driving for awhile :) LOL Hang in there!!
