[Pre-Post Side Note: On the way home tonight, I thought “it seems a little blustery outside.” And then I thought that perhaps 30+ mph winds were not what A.A. Milne had in mind when he used the term in Winnie-the-Pooh. But I have heard some other terms used that I think are quite humorous, and perhaps more fitting. So I’m going to borrow a couple for this post. Thanks, friends.]
My boss and my mom have both asked me today if I was warm enough in my apartment. Five colleagues have offered to give me a ride into work in the morning. My staff reminded me that I, too, should be safe on the roads in the morning, and that my adage of “better to be alive than at work” applies to me, too. It’s nice to be cared for. Especially during the Blizzard of 2011.
No less than 19 states are affected by this crazy storm, including my own. I’m in the Blizzard Warning Belt that’s supposed to get 12- 18 inches tonight, on top of the 6 – 8 that we got yesterday. Neat. So much of today was spent planning and preparing for this Snowpocalypse. I have some grounds guys staying in one of our model apartments, the community center closed early, and we just found out the classes have been cancelled for tomorrow – kind-of-a big deal here in the ‘Sconni. (Which means that Madison Public Schools is also probably closed, and therefore our childcare will be closed as well.) But I’m an Essential Employee, so I’ll be [slowly, I’m sure] making my way into work in the morning.
And so I sit here, trying to make my own preparations for tomorrow. Some things I’ve thought about, in my usual list-kinda style, but in no particular order this time. Kinda.
1. What will I wear? Probably something to go with this other pair of cute (and VERY necessary) new boots. (One of the first things I purchased after moving here).
2. How will I get to work?
3. What will the roads be like in the morning?
4. Should I be driving? Should I get a ride from one of the many people who offered?
5. Should I take the bus? Hahahahahahahahahahahaha. Funny. And . . . no. But I hope it’s running for the thousands of other people who depend on it.
6. I should take pictures of all this snow.
7. Perhaps I should take my camera to work.
8. Camera is currently plugged in, battery charging, waiting with anticipation for an opportunity to photograph all this white stuff.
9. Maybe I should call someone to get a back-up ride. [Call my friend and colleague, who has a new SUV, aptly named “Polly Pilot.” “Can I please order a ride for the morning from Polly?”]
11. Polly will be here around 7:15am. Gross. But? Helpful and much appreciated. Watching the school closings and weather reports might have freaked me out a bit.
12. Am I really all that essential? [Referred back to email from university, where it says, and I quote: “All employees of University Housing, all custodial and grounds employees of the Physical Plant, members of the university police department, animal care, patient care and public safety, etc. are designated essential and should report to work.”
13. Yep. Gotta go to work tomorrow. And? We got an official shout-out. No excuses for our peeps to not come in tomorrow! Or me, for that matter. :) Awesome.
14. What am I forgetting? I’m sure there’s something . . .
15. Oh, yeah . . . at least we’re not part of the Snowmageddon that’s hitting Chicago. Good luck, friends in the Windy City!
16. I couldn’t fit it in without it sounding too awkward – but a friend has labeled this “Snowtorious B.I.G.” and it’s too witty not to share widely.