Thursday, March 17, 2011

A Long Week . . .

This week has been a rollercoaster of emotions.
Life continues to be stressful for most state workers, especially as people figure out how the new paycuts are affecting their personal budgets (To do the math, you can go here).
On Monday we had a long conversation about staff morale, and what to do about it.
No great solutions, except to continue to be thoughtful and caring and supportive.
On Tuesday, we lost a staff member.
He died by suicide.
On Wednesday morning, we all found out.
We pulled the staff together to officially share the news, offer resources, and remind people that they will grieve in their own way, and to please continue to be good to each other, and to themselves.
We also had our March Madness Kick-Off Event.
We chose to still hold the event; and the timing, while seemingly awkward and ill-timed, actually was kinda perfect. Because the staff was mostly together in the community center gym, eating lunch (the chili got a thumbs-up, in case you were wondering!), playing basketball, and just being together.
The alternative would have been that people would have gone about their day, and mostly been by themselves throughout the community.
Instead, they spent time with each other, shared a meal, talked a bit about how shocked they were, and played a game of Horse.
I can't really play basketball, so my participation in the game gave everyone a few great laughs.
Which we all needed.
Today we ordered flowers and wrote cards to the family, and continue to check in with each other.
While people are clearly stressed and tired and now, grieving, they are still finding the time to be kind and take care of each other, and that makes me so very happy.
On the potluck table I added a bowl of "I Am Loved" pins with a sign that said "Just a reminder . . . please take one."
And people did, and are actually wearing them.
It's surprisingly powerful to see that little pin on a tough/gruff/old/maintenance-like guy.
Totally makes my day.
And now the rollercoaster ride is complete.
For now.


  1. I'm sorry to hear about the lows, but it sounds like there the support is there, which is great! Thanks for the updates!

  2. Wow. Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with your staff.
