Sunday, January 30, 2011

One is the loneliest number . . .

Other post titles I debated?
'Living alone is hard.'
'Being single sucks.'

Sometimes, I hate asking other people for help. Not always, but sometimes.
Mostly when I want to do something NOW, and I need another human being to make it happen (and there isn't one around).
I splurged and bought myself a new tv - the first I've purchased for myself. Yay, me!
But it's too big to get out of the box and put up by myself. So I've had to put out a call for help.
In reality, this is not a big deal. Someone will come to my rescue, and soon I'll no-doubt be ordering the HD-cable to go with the new flat screen.
For now I'll just stare at the damn box.

See . ..  it doesn't always suck to be single. Mostly, I get to do what I want, when I want.
Like wait to do the dishes until I'm down to the last spoon, make the bed when I feel like it, go to the grocery store 14 times in one week, eat meals at odd times, you get the picture.
But when I have to have another human being around to accomplish a task, it can get frustrating.
And then I start thinking about my married and partnered friends and family who (I feel) take having another person around for granted.
Like when they say "I don't know, partner #2" pays the bills", or "Parter #1 does all the grocery shopping" or "I do the cooking, person X does the cleaning."
Us singletons? We do it all. The cooking, cleaning, bill-paying, re-organizing our furniture, making our own soup when we're sick, etcetera, etcetera, ad nauseum.
Not withstanding the actual human companionship that another person offers.
It's just helpful to have someone spread the wealth in the chore department.

I promise I'm done whining about this now. I just needed to get it out. Now I need to vacuum, dust and clean two bathrooms, while waiting for another human to help me move some tv's around.

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