Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year’s Resolutions

I don’t normally believe in making resolutions for the new year. I think if you want to make a change in your life, you should do it. And do it now. Not wait for a new year to begin.

Having said that, I’ve decided that NOW, conveniently, I’d like to focus on some things for the upcoming year. [What can I say . . . sometimes I also like to change my mind. J ]

My friend Erin and I often talk about trying to find balance, living in a new town with a new job. [Yes, I know that I have been here now for just over a year, however, the job is big, so I’m giving myself two years to call it “new” . . . deal with it.]

It seems as though we can do one thing outside our jobs – we can work out, be social with other human beings, or we can manage our life [clean our house, cook good meals, do our laundry in a timely manner, organize our closets, etc.]. But, apparently, we can’t do it all. Something, and often, TWO-things, always fall off the plate. I have spent the last year attempting to have a social life, which worked out for the most part, but I also tried to do that other stuff, thus, seemingly failing at much.
It’s okay, however. I’m going to let it go. But for 2012, I’ve decided that, per my usual self – I do want to try and do it all. I’d like to get up early and work out in the mornings so I can be social in the evenings – and maybe cook, clean and organize a little in there, too. [But not too much – let’s be real – I can’t completely change who I am!!!]

In addition to working on balance, I also want to blog more. I enjoy the process of writing, but haven’t made much time in the last few months to make that happen. I had originally thought I’d try to blog every day – but who really wants to read a post every day? So I’m going to come up with a more manageable goal – but I’m going to be more intentional about writing. I’ll also share at least one weekly quotation and photograph to mix things up a bit. I’m working on some catchy titles for those now. (If you have any ideas, feel free to toss those my way!)

To start the new year off right, I’m going to share both with you today. This picture is an amaryllis I got from my aunt for Christmas. It bloomed yesterday. What better message than a brand new flower in a brand new year?

“We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year’s Day.” - Edith Lovejoy Pierce

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