Wednesday, May 11, 2011

You Win Some, You Lose Some

I spent today furloughing. [Yep - we totally made that into a verb].
For those who aren't familiar, I paid the state to take the day off.
This apparently helps our budget.
It's my last full furlough day of the year - Only 1.5 hours left to take in June, and then I'm done with this randomness.
At any rate, I slept in, and was pretty productive, in between the severe thunderstorm warnings and downpours throughout the day.
I crossed quite a few tasks off my list - some that I have been avoiding for some time [like returning broken luggage to the store], boring household tasks that just needed to be done [laundry] and a couple of fun things like checking out a new library branch [normally I'd be quite excited about that, but they seemed to be having some A/C issues on a day when it was over 80 degrees outside, so it was like visiting a swamp with books. However, overall, I'm excited about this new place, and will go back. And hope to goodness that they get that under control before summer hits!]
So while I feel pretty good about this, two other things happened that bring me back down from my productiveness-feeling:
1. While waiting out the weather warning (when they mentioned the possibility of baseball-sized-hail, I thought it best to NOT be driving in it), I tried to be productive, including some time online. Only my internet wasn't working. I probably tried 15 times in a 20-minute time period. Just as I was getting ready to call my cable company to complain, I noticed the end of the ethernet cord. On the floor. NOT in the laptop.
Good job.
Perhaps I should invest in a darn wireless router.
2. I attempted to replace the empty toilet paper roll with a new one. This is typically not a difficult task. But today, before I could complete this, I backhanded the brand-new-totally-full roll into the toilet (clean bowl, in case you are wondering). It soaked up A LOT of water very quickly. I don't know why, but I am very sad that this has gone to waste. It's toilet paper. In the grand scheme of things, this is clearly not-even-remotely important. And yet, I feel like this one thing has negated all those other tasks that I was able to complete. Flushed them down the drain, if you will.
Or maybe it was a sign I should take up tennis.

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