Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Probably inappropriate, but too funny not to share

So, I work with students. Which makes my life automatically filled with funny people and stories. Seriously? You can't make this shit up. I don't feel comfortable Totally making fun of someone who doesn't deserve it, and who, I am sure, has legitimate issues to deal with in life.  So instead I will share some information that I have recently learned, and found a bit hilarious. You can infer the rest, and judge me on my way to Hades.

Apparently, the most common service animals are dogs and . . . . any guesses?
Monkey? No.
Good guess. It was mine, too.
Yep - horses. But not full size ones. And? They are not recommended for indoor use.
They are, however, commonly used for the blind, especially those with hypoallergenic issues.
Learn something new every day.
Now off I go . . . to find a space for a new resident who needs a quiet exercise area for her three felines.

Yep. Going straight to hell.
The thing is - not everyone could do our job. It's not rocket science, or even brain surgery. It's a whole lot of common sense. I also think a healthy sense of humor is integral to surviving and thriving in this lovely world of quirks and hilarity that revolves around college students.

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