Monday, November 8, 2010

Drinking from a Fire Hydrant

No, for real. I am. I've heard this phrase a lot. And used it quite a few times myself when training new staff members. Not until today have I fully understood what the hell that meant. And it feels like an understatement of the century.

The first day of work was great, but exhausting. My staff is fantastic and kind and welcoming. And there is so much information to take in I'm not sure I will ever feel like I know what the heck is going on. Despite this general feeling of overwhelming-ness (yep . .. totally just made that up), it was a good day. And I'll even go back tomorrow. :)

After work I rushed to the local credit union to get a bank account. Success! My brother should be proud of me! I'm quite pleased with my decision, and the woman who helped me tonight (putting her in the office 30 minutes after the bank closed) was fabulous. Though it made me think . .. hmmmm. Could we be friends? How strange that I think of this stuff. (Some friends with whom I handed out halloween candy will NOT be surprised by this, and yet I am. In case you're wondering - I wanted to invite the neighbor to our little wine-party-on-the-porch-while-handing-out-candy-extravaganza. I felt bad he was sitting by himself while we were drinking wine and laughing hysterically. Oh - did I mention that he wasn't actually MY neighbor? Minor detail.) But I digress. So . . . I wondered . . . when she says, let me know if you have any questions (banking or Madison-related)- does she really mean it? Would she be someone fun to go grab a drink after work with? Will I now wonder this about every person I come in contact with who remotely seems to be around my age? I'm afraid so. *sigh* But what's a girl to do?

So, because I haven't done enough reading, I am going to try and start deciphering which of the 43 health insurance options I want. This task is quickly going to become the bane of my existence - I wish someone could/would just pick it for me and I could be done with it. I have a lot of "real" reading to do for work, and I should get to that as well.

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