Thursday, January 12, 2012

Witty Wednesday: Midwest Inspiration

Here's me, trying something new. I love quotations and sharing them - via a cute card, at the top of an agenda, or whenever something reminds me of someone. So . . . I'm thinking that maybe I'll start "blogging more" by sharing a weekly quote. On a Wednesday. We'll see . . . maybe someone can help me with a better title.

At any rate . . . there are two quotes I found that I think it'll be great to share with you. Especially those of you who identify with the concept of "the midwest people." [I found these quotes in my Midwest Living Magazine - a gift that gives me new ideas for place to go and things to do in this area of the country. Thanks, Mom!]

"Let's just say we Midwesterners choose what works, and only what works, and leave the rest behind. That's why we're the ultimate test market, and why marketers proclaim: 'If it doesn't play in the Heartland, it won't play.' I consider 'Midwest' as an honest, approachable, easy style of personal vision." - Amy Butler (Ohio Designer)

"William Maxwell used to say about Illinois that it was his 'Imagination's Home.' There is something about the Midwest that I've tried to get into my stories: the odd politeness of the people here, their secretiveness, their wish to do good.' - Charles Baxter (Minnesota professor)

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