Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A Hot Mess

I don't really cook.
Most of you know that if I could survive on cereal alone, I totally would.
When I participate in potlucks, I typically bring a baked good, or a tasty appetizer.
Tomorrow, my office is hosting a March Madness Kick-Off event. It will include a H-O-R-S-E tournament (including yours-truly) and some fun food.
I have (poorly?) chosen to bring chili.
I thought it was time I participated like a grown-up.
And brought a main dish.
I also decided to double the recipe, since we could get anywhere from 40 - 60 people to play.
This is the only one I can make - thanks to my dad's recipe.
I started by shopping - AKA a workout, carrying all these cans of beans and tomatoes.
It barely all fit in the pot.

Thank goodness spices don't take up much room!
I had to stir very, very carefully. (Which, if you check out the splotches on the stove, you'll note I didn't really do a great job at).
I tried to be patient.
Which I'm also not great at.
Three hours later, I felt comfortable taking the chili off the burner to start cooling.
I then took the advice of my friend, who also happens to be our director of dining, and I poured the chili into "smaller" bowls to cool.

She said I have "EXCELLENT safe food handling" skills.
While I appreciate this, I am also concerned about two things:
1. Will this ever cool? And will I ever get to bed tonight?
2. How in the hell am I going to get all this to work tomorrow?
3. I lied. Apparently I have more than two concerns.
4. This was a pain-in-the-arse to get out of the pot and into these bowls (there was a lot of chili-splatter in the area).
5. I envision a Bigger-pain-in-the-arse to get back into the pot.
6. But I'm afraid that's the only way to get this all into the refrigerator tonight.
7. I hope it tastes okay.


  1. this is, potentially, the worst eat-my-food-at-the-potluck-so-I-don't-have-to-bring-it-home advertisement ever. Haha. I hope it's yummy. Love me some chilly!
