Thursday, February 17, 2011

A Three-For-One-Deal on Posts Tonight

So, there’s kinda a lot going on here in the lovely state of Wisconsin. So much so, that I can’t decide what to write about, so I’ve decided to share it all with you, but it’s pretty disjointed, and should be 3 separate posts. Normally I’d just “save” the information for a post tomorrow, but the world keeps changing quickly, so I feel obligated to share it all tonight. Shocker.

Post #1:
“Have fun at the rally tonight – don’t get arrested!” –  Me. Tonight. Not something I ever imagined myself needing to say to someone I supervised.

Post #2
A little background. . .
- Yesterday morning I talked with a staff member who has been getting pretty involved and passionate about the rallies at the capital. He told me that he needed more people (to be able to go down to the capital to participate in the rally). I said I’d love to be able to allow everyone (who wanted to go) to leave, but I also needed work to get done, so we need to continue to work together. (Longer conversation ensued – I won’t bore you with the whole thing). He then said that he needed this to get on the national news, and he needed the national guard to be called. (I shared concern for what that would mean, and said I hoped we could continue to protest in a peaceful, safe way).

- A few hours later, I joked with my management team that I would ‘email my friend Brian Williams’ and see if he would come to Madison.

- Last night I thought – why not? Maybe this is another way I can do my part. So I went to the nbc news site and emailed them for a story idea. Yep, I sent this: J

Subject: Please Help Wisconsin State Workers!
Dear Brian,
I don't know if you've heard, but there's a bit of 'unrest' in the state of Wisconsin right now. Many people are afraid of the governor cutting out the collective bargaining rights of our unions (except police, firefighters and state patrols). It's scary. I work for UW-Madison (and so would prefer to remain anonymous, as these are my personal opinions, not my administrator-opinions). Many students, faculty and staff are at the state capital, rallying together to protest Governor Walker's "Budget Repair Bill." Teachers from around the state are staging sick-outs and the impact around the state is no doubt going to become even scarier. (Here's a random article - that has a good, quick overview.)
Because of my role and busy schedule today, I won't be able to participate in any of the events during the day (I can in the evening). But I joked with my staff today that I was going to write you. And I decided that I should follow-through on that. It would be great to have you, Lester, or Ann join us in Madison (or anywhere else in the state, but the Capital is hopping!). I honestly think that the governor is attacking unions and is ignoring the people in this state. There are other ways to fix the budget. This isn't it. We could use your help. Thank you!

My email worked – Yay, me! ;)
[Despite the flippant-ness of this statement, I find it very cool that people continue to show up and use their voices, in whatever way they see fit.]

Post #3
Huh. I’m confident that 30 minutes ago, or so, I had something else to say. I’m sure it was witty, poignant and fabulous. But apparently now I can’t remember what that really important thing was. Please forgive me. I’m tired. It’s kinda been a long day.

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Kel! I was thinking about you today as I was reading an article about the madness in your state today, so your post made my night :)
